Thursday, July 2, 2020

mommy's dearests

 shammo and the dodo (seamus and duncan).

dodo - he who thinks a lot.

and sweet little angus.

(fergus refused to be photographed as always)

to load a deerhound

...can be as difficult as to load a horse, but for total opposite reasons - all six dogs want to come with (even though it's just two of them going) and tries to squeeze themselves in through the side doors, all at once. except for maybe one reluctant passanger who took the fast route straight out again through the opposite side door. *fooled*

"hey guys, get in the car now, it's time to go home!"

"okey, best to do as the lady says."

"it do looks kind of comfy in here. is free champagne included?"

"hey duncan, you are not going in the car. you live here, remember."